Visual Journalism aims to tell innovative stories that inform, enlighten and delight and help audiences make sense of their World.
Great design delivers great story telling.
In a noisy, fast moving news landscape, we need to be clear and concise in what we say and how we say it.
Using the core news brand principles of font, motion and colour palette to explore design styles and languages, we aim to deliver the best visual journalism to our audiences.
This is a snapshot of the teams creations whilst I was Design Director at BBC News.
Design Director:  Paula Thompson
These works were created by - 
Creative Directors:   Bill Calder,  Julie Tritton,  Caroline Pitt,   Nick Davey,  Eiad Barazi,   Mitra Turani,   Matt Boulton,   Pascual Diaz Alonso, Dawn Lathey. 
Senior Designers: Aoife McKenna,  Jo McDonald, Jonny Barrett,  Fedele Rinaldi,   Leo Scutt-Richter,  Nick Motture,   Debbie Robinson ,  Alex Newbury,    George Spencer.
Designers:   Ammar Zuhair,  Fadi Jabara,   Marco Bertoldo,  Stelios Thoukidides, Parveen Virdi,  Salman Mushatat,  Alex Kessling,  Mel Lou,  Sarah Scott.
and the BBC News Motion Design team
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