I have worked in creative arts my whole career. As a trainee and designer, I developed my craft in design and visual storytelling. Over the years I have worked as a designer within ITV, ITN & Channel Four before joining the BBC and moving from a Creative Director to Design Director and Brand Guardian.  In these roles I have learned with, and from my peers and creative colleagues. I have won several BDA awards as well as a BAFTA with Channel Four News.
As Design Director at BBC News I have built strategy, set creative direction, as well managed and mentored large teams, nurtured talent and encouraged innovation in design and technology.  I have led the award-winning world-wide design team that’s behind the globally recognised BBC News brand.
Based in London, I also teach design and support projects such as the start-up Digital Arts Museum – London.
Please get in touch if you would like to collaborate on any projects.

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